Two RESOL FRP6- Tank Temp<br/>Sensors ( Platinum Pt1000)
Two RESOL FRP6- Tank Temp
Sensors ( Platinum Pt1000)

Two RESOL FRP6- Tank Temp
Sensors ( Platinum Pt1000)

Your Price: $75.00
Cylindrical Sensor for heating load, PVC Cable -5....+90 Deg C, 2.5 meter.
Part Number: 155 000 80
Availability: In Stock. Free Shipping.
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The temperature resistance of the sensors has to be guaranteed up to the maximum stagnation temperature of 320 ... 392 °F.
The sensors at operating temperatures (68 ... 176 °F) have to measure as accurately as possible in order to ensure that any measurement error of sensors and controller does not exceed 3.6 or 5.4 °Ra. The sensors contain a material that changes its electrical resistance in proportion to the temperature change. The controller measures the resistance and calculates the temperature of the sensor element.
The measuring precision of our standard “Pt1000“ sensors is +/- 0.54 °F (at 32 °F), the sensor heads are temperature resistant between -58 ... +392 °F; the type is indicated by the 3rd letter “P“.

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